Retesting of Raw Materials Through SAP System : Pharmaguideline

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Retesting of Raw Materials Through SAP System

Learn how to retest the Raw Material using the SAP system.
1. Raw material stores shall take out the list of the raw materials due for retesting and transfer the materials to the quarantine area.
2. ‘’QUARANTINE” labels shall be affixed to the container due for retesting.
3. The lot due for retesting is viewed in SAP system through the QA32 transaction. The movement type is 09 by which retesting lot (recurring inspection) is generated in the SAP system.
4. Quality control will carry out sampling as per following procedure.
5. Sampling procedure for retesting materials: Follow all the general guidelines under SOP.

6. The sample shall be taken from the underuse or previously opened container from each control number.
7. Since the basic purpose of retesting is to evaluate the suitability of material after storage it will be ensured that the material will undergo retesting after a specified period.
8. The analysis shall be carried out of such material, during the period of -15 days and +30 days of the due date of retest.
9. Under no circumstances, such material under retest should be issued to production.
10. After analysis, the new retest date must be recorded on the COA.
11. Approved labels shall be affixed on all the containers, in case the material is found suitable and the same shall bear new date of approval.

Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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