July 2021 : Pharmaguideline

Online GMP Courses with Certificate


Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)

The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the codification of the general and permanent rules and regulations (sometimes called administrative law) distributed in the Federal Register by the executive departments, leader offices, and agencies of the Federal Government of the United States. The Office of the Federal Register, also known as the agency of the National Archives and Records Administrat…

Generic Pharmaceutical Drugs

When a drug company first invents a drug, only that company is allowed to make that drug in the same country for a certain number of years and known as an innovator drug. The same drug can be manufactured by other companies after a certain period of time. These drugs are called generic drugs. FDA estimates that innovator firms manufactured over 50% of generic products.

Pharmaceutical Labeling Requirements

The label plays an important role which allows the customer to have complete information regarding the product which includes ingredients of the product, its usage, and caution in use, precautions to be taken while using it, manufacturing date, batch number etc. Drug labeling refers to all the information printed which includes instructions, ingredients, and a lot more information that accompanie…

Bioavailability of Drugs

It is only possible to get the therapeutic effects of any drug when the drug can be absorbed by the body, so bioavailability is the key to making an enhancement that delivers proven benefits. Bioavailability of drugs indicates the percentage, amount or concentration of drug that reaches into the systemic circulation and is available at the site of action. When the drug is administered into the bo…

Transdermal Patches and Their Working

Having a powerful attitude, prolific mindset, and put under a magnifying glass test-and-adapt approach is the definitive way to stay firmly in front of any racing – and it’s a sure bet against becoming complacent. This dynamic mindset and out-of-the-box thinking made researchers develop something new, not the conventional one and this leads to the development of “Transdermal Patches.

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