Principle, Construction, Working, Uses, Merits and Demerits of Meta Filter : Pharmaguideline

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Principle, Construction, Working, Uses, Merits and Demerits of Meta Filter

A pressure filter is what a meta filter is. The product is fed into the pressure filter at a higher pressure than would be produced by gravity alone.

Meta Filter


A pressure filter is what a meta filter is. The product is fed into the pressure filter at a higher pressure than would be produced by gravity alone. For particle separation, the Meta filter acts as a strainer (service filtration). The metal rings are made up of semi-circular projections that are nested together to form channels on the edges. This channel resists the passage of solids (it acts as a strainer) (forced particles). The transparent liquid is gathered from the top into a receiver.


A Meta Filter is simply a row of metal rings arranged on a grooved rod. These rings are typically constructed of stainless steel and have a diameter of 15 mm, an interior diameter of 22 mm, an outside diameter of 22 mm, and a thickness of 0.8 mm. When packed on the rod, these rings are separated by a gap of 0.2mm, due to the presence of semicircular projections on one surface. By stacking rings and fastening them to a drainage rod, the channels are tapered from approximately 250 m down to 25 m. The filters are installed in a vessel, and the slurry is either forced into them under pressure or, occasionally, applied with reduced pressure to the output side of the filter.

Despite the fact that the Meta filter can be used as a strainer for coarse particles in this form, it must first be surrounded by a bed of kieselguhr or another suitable substance for finer particles. As a result, the ring pack primarily functions as a foundation for the real filter medium.


A meta filter consists of a container containing a slurry that can be pumped under pressure or applied to the outflow side under reduced pressure. The slurry flows through the channels made on the rings' edges. The clear liquid rises and collects in the receiver from the outflow. Vacuums force liquid to flow from the outside into the interior. When configured this way, a Meta Filter is only capable of straining coarse particles. A bed of suitable materials is used to separate finer particles, such as Kieselguhr. In this approach, the ring pack serves as a foundation for the real filter medium.


  • The Meta filter's tiny surface limits the quantity of solids that may be gathered. Combined with the Meta filter's ability to separate extremely small particles, this means that it is almost entirely used for clarification.
  • Because of the Meta filter's robustness, it can withstand high pressures (15 bars), making it suited for viscous liquids.
  • It is possible to build it with corrosion-resistant materials.
  • Clearing pharmaceuticals includes syrups, elixirs, injectable solutions, and insulin liquor products among others.


  • The meta filter is strong enough to withstand high pressures without risk of breaking the filter media.
  • Because there is no filter media, the operating expenses are low and highly inexpensive.
  • Protect the most delicate goods from contamination with this filter, which is highly corrosion resistant.
  • Filtering out very small particles is a viable option.
  • Filtration can be used to sterilize certain liquids.
  • Larger particles can also be removed simply by building a bed of coarse material, or by using the candle itself, if the particles are sufficiently large.
  • Backflushing with water is an efficient method for removing the cake.
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