SOP for Handling of the Spillages in the Laboratory : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Handling of the Spillages in the Laboratory

Standard operating procedure to handle the spillage of chemicals in laboratory.


To clearly lay down a procedure or handling of the spillages in the laboratory to make laboratory neat and clean.


This procedure is applicable to chemical room and instrument rooms of quality control department.


3.1 Doing: Worker (By the guidance of supervisor)
3.2 Checking: Technical Assistant /Executive


Executive /Manager


5.1 Make aware of the personnel working in the laboratory to handle the solvents & chemicals carefully so that to one can avoid spillages & accidents arising due to spillages.
5.2 On spillage immediately inform to all persons in the laboratory to take care and to the worker to clean the spillage.
5.3 If spillage is occurs due to liquids like acids or solvents add sufficient quantity of precalcinated silica granules or absorbent silica and let stand for few minutes, collect the material using hand gloves in a plastic bag & is then send to scrap.
5.4 For spillage of solids, remove and discard in the dustbin and then clean the area.
5.5 For spillage of organic solvents, inform the worker to put on the goggles and mask during cleaning.
5.6 For spillage of liquids like alkali add sufficient quantity of water to dilute it, mop with dry cloth finally wipe with wet cloth.
5.7 While cleaning the area where spillage of poisonous & hazardous chemicals, take precautions as per MSDS of respective chemicals
5.8 For water spillage, only mop with a dry cloth.
Related: SOP for First Aid


6.1 MSDS = Material safety data sheet
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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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