To provide procedure for operation and maintenance of portable fire extinguishers.2.0 SCOPE
This procedure is applicable for all portable fire extinguishers in plant.3.0 RESPONSIBILITY
All Department Heads /designee and Manager EHS/ designee.4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY:
HOD of Engineering5.0 PROCEDURE:
5.1 Different types of portable fire extinguishers are provided in various sections to extinguish small fire.5.2 Use of specific extinguisher will depend upon class of fire.
5.2.1 Class A fire - Use water CO2 or water, DCP and CO2 extinguishers can be used in small fire
5.2.2 Class B fire – Mechanical Foam, DCP and CO2 extinguishers.
5.2.3 Class C fire – DCP and CO2 extinguishers
5.2.4 Class D fire - Extinguisher with dry chemical powder for metal fires.
5.3 Operational procedure for different types of portable fire extinguishers are as follow:
5.3.1 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) portable fire extinguisher: Keep the fire extinguisher vertically on the floor. Hold the extinguisher 5 to 8 feet away from the fire in upwind direction. Remove safety pin of the extinguisher. Hold the horn of extinguisher by one hand and keep the horn towards the base of fire. Open the extinguisher valve slowly by turning the knob in anticlockwise direction. Spray CO2 gas through the horn. Direct the spray on the origin of fire and continue spraying till flame disappears. Inform the EHS department for refilling the empty cylinder. Replace the fire extinguisher with filled extinguisher
5.3.2 Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) portable fire extinguisher: Keep the fire extinguisher vertically on the floor. Hold the extinguisher 5 to 8 feet away from the fire in upwind direction. Remove safety clip of the extinguisher. Hold the discharge tube of extinguisher by one hand and keep the discharge tube towards the base of fire. Strike the extinguisher knob by other hand to break the inside CO2 cartridge of extinguisher. Spray dry powder through the discharge tube. Direct the spray on the origin of fire and continue spraying till flame disappears. Inform the EHS department for refilling the empty cylinder. Replace the fire extinguisher with filled extinguisher.
5.3.3 Mechanical foam type portable fire extinguisher: Keep the fire extinguisher vertically on the floor. Hold the extinguisher 5 to 8 feet away from the fire in upwind direction. Remove safety clip of the extinguisher. Hold the discharge hose of extinguisher by one hand and keep the discharge tube towards
the base of fire. Strike the extinguisher knob by other hand to break the inside CO2 cartridge of extinguisher. Extinguish the fire with foam by spraying foam through discharge hose in such a way that the foam will cover fire or burning liquid. Inform the EHS department for refilling the empty cylinder. Replace the fire extinguisher with filled extinguisher. Do not direct the jet directly into burning liquid because that will drive the foam beneath surface and render ineffective. In addition, it may splash burning liquid on the surrounding and spread fire.
5.4 Guidelines for the maintenance of portable fire- extinguishers:
5.4.1 Maintenance of all portable fire extinguishers shall be carried out quarterly by EHS department through external agency.
5.4.2 Keep the maintenance record in the format..
5.4.3 If any defect/damage is noticed in any of the extinguisher by the respective department, they should immediately intimate EHS Department.
5.4.4 The faulty extinguisher shall be replaced immediately by EHS Department.
5.5 Maintenance procedure for CO2 portable fire Extinguisher:
5.5.1 Take out the extinguisher and keep on the floor.
5.5.2 Weigh the extinguisher by using portable balance of external agency.
5.5.3 If a weight difference of 10% or more is observed, re-filling shall be done by external agency in supervision of EHS department.
5.5.4 Check that safety pin & discharge hose horn are in good condition.
5.5.5 On successful completion of the maintenance, fix the maintenance label on extinguisher.
5.5.6 Maintain the record of maintenance carried out in the format.
5.5.7 Pressure test of CO2 portable fire extinguisher The hydraulic test of CO2 portable fire extinguisher shall be tested at 250 bar for 2.5 minutes at least once in five years by EHS department through external agency. Ensure that the date of pressure testing has been punched on the extinguisher. On successful completion of the above checks maintain the test certificate of each CO2 portable fire extinguisher in EHS department.
5.6 Maintenance procedure for Dry Chemical Powder portable fire Extinguisher:
5.6.1 Hold the extinguisher vertically on the floor.
5.6.2 Open the outer cap of extinguisher by rotating anticlockwise.
5.6.3 Take out the CO2 cartridge from extinguisher and ensure intactness of sealing disc.
5.6.4 Weigh the carbon dioxide cartridge and compare its weight with that stamped on its body.
5.6.5 If the weight loss of 10% or more is observed, replace it with a fully charged cartridge.
5.6.6 Check the extinguisher knob for its proper functioning.
5.6.7 Remove the inner shell and clean port holes of cap.
5.6.8 Check that the port holes in the cartridge holder are clean.
5.6.9 Check the powder inside the extinguisher is dry and free from moisture.
5.6.10 Change the powder, if moisture is observed.
5.6.11 Before re-charging the powder, ensure that the extinguisher is dry.
5.6.12 Check the condition of the discharge hose. If cuts or scratches are seen, replace the discharge hose immediately.
5.6.13 On successful completion of the maintenance, fix the maintenance label on extinguisher.
5.6.14 Pressure test of DCP fire extinguisher The hydraulic test of DCP portable fire extinguisher shall be tested at 17.5 Kg/cm2 for 2.5 minutes at least once in three years by EHS department through external agency. During pressure testing, if extinguisher including accessories not sustains the pressure at 17.5 Kg/cm2 for 2.5 minutes, discard the extinguisher immediately. On successful completion of the above checks maintain the test certificate of each DCP portable fire extinguisher in EHS department.
5.7 Maintenance procedure for mechanical foam portable fire extinguisher:
5.7.1 Hold the extinguisher vertically on the floor.
5.7.2 Open the outer cap of extinguisher by rotating anticlockwise.
5.7.3 Take out the CO2 cartridge from extinguisher and ensure intactness of sealing disc.
5.7.4 Make up the foam liquid level in extinguisher up to the mark, if it is reduced.
5.7.5 Weigh the carbon dioxide cartridge and compare its weight with that stamped on its body.
5.7.6 If the weight loss of 10% or more is observed, replace it with a fully charged cartridge.
5.7.7 Check the extinguisher knob for its proper functioning.
5.7.8 Remove the inner shell and clean port holes.
5.7.9 Check that the port holes in the cartridge holder are clean.
5.7.10 Check the condition of the discharge hose. If cuts or scratches are seen, replace the discharge hose immediately.
5.7.11 On successful completion of the maintenance, fix the maintenance label on extinguisher.
5.7.12 Pressure test of mechanical foam portable fire extinguisher. The hydraulic test of mechanical foam portable fire extinguisher shall be tested at 17.5 Kg/cm2 for 2.5 minutes at least once in two years by EHS department through external agency. During pressure testing, if extinguisher including accessories not sustains the pressure at 17.5 Kg/cm2 for 2.5 minutes, discard the extinguisher immediately. On successful completion of the above checks maintain the test certificate of each mechanical foam portable fire extinguisher in EHS department.
5.2.1 Class A fire - Use water CO2 or water, DCP and CO2 extinguishers can be used in small fire
5.2.2 Class B fire – Mechanical Foam, DCP and CO2 extinguishers.
5.2.3 Class C fire – DCP and CO2 extinguishers
5.2.4 Class D fire - Extinguisher with dry chemical powder for metal fires.
5.3 Operational procedure for different types of portable fire extinguishers are as follow:
5.3.1 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) portable fire extinguisher: Keep the fire extinguisher vertically on the floor. Hold the extinguisher 5 to 8 feet away from the fire in upwind direction. Remove safety pin of the extinguisher. Hold the horn of extinguisher by one hand and keep the horn towards the base of fire. Open the extinguisher valve slowly by turning the knob in anticlockwise direction. Spray CO2 gas through the horn. Direct the spray on the origin of fire and continue spraying till flame disappears. Inform the EHS department for refilling the empty cylinder. Replace the fire extinguisher with filled extinguisher
5.3.2 Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) portable fire extinguisher: Keep the fire extinguisher vertically on the floor. Hold the extinguisher 5 to 8 feet away from the fire in upwind direction. Remove safety clip of the extinguisher. Hold the discharge tube of extinguisher by one hand and keep the discharge tube towards the base of fire. Strike the extinguisher knob by other hand to break the inside CO2 cartridge of extinguisher. Spray dry powder through the discharge tube. Direct the spray on the origin of fire and continue spraying till flame disappears. Inform the EHS department for refilling the empty cylinder. Replace the fire extinguisher with filled extinguisher.
5.3.3 Mechanical foam type portable fire extinguisher: Keep the fire extinguisher vertically on the floor. Hold the extinguisher 5 to 8 feet away from the fire in upwind direction. Remove safety clip of the extinguisher. Hold the discharge hose of extinguisher by one hand and keep the discharge tube towards
the base of fire. Strike the extinguisher knob by other hand to break the inside CO2 cartridge of extinguisher. Extinguish the fire with foam by spraying foam through discharge hose in such a way that the foam will cover fire or burning liquid. Inform the EHS department for refilling the empty cylinder. Replace the fire extinguisher with filled extinguisher. Do not direct the jet directly into burning liquid because that will drive the foam beneath surface and render ineffective. In addition, it may splash burning liquid on the surrounding and spread fire.
5.4 Guidelines for the maintenance of portable fire- extinguishers:
5.4.1 Maintenance of all portable fire extinguishers shall be carried out quarterly by EHS department through external agency.
5.4.2 Keep the maintenance record in the format..
5.4.3 If any defect/damage is noticed in any of the extinguisher by the respective department, they should immediately intimate EHS Department.
5.4.4 The faulty extinguisher shall be replaced immediately by EHS Department.
5.5 Maintenance procedure for CO2 portable fire Extinguisher:
5.5.1 Take out the extinguisher and keep on the floor.
5.5.2 Weigh the extinguisher by using portable balance of external agency.
5.5.3 If a weight difference of 10% or more is observed, re-filling shall be done by external agency in supervision of EHS department.
5.5.4 Check that safety pin & discharge hose horn are in good condition.
5.5.5 On successful completion of the maintenance, fix the maintenance label on extinguisher.
5.5.6 Maintain the record of maintenance carried out in the format.
5.5.7 Pressure test of CO2 portable fire extinguisher The hydraulic test of CO2 portable fire extinguisher shall be tested at 250 bar for 2.5 minutes at least once in five years by EHS department through external agency. Ensure that the date of pressure testing has been punched on the extinguisher. On successful completion of the above checks maintain the test certificate of each CO2 portable fire extinguisher in EHS department.
5.6 Maintenance procedure for Dry Chemical Powder portable fire Extinguisher:
5.6.1 Hold the extinguisher vertically on the floor.
5.6.2 Open the outer cap of extinguisher by rotating anticlockwise.
5.6.3 Take out the CO2 cartridge from extinguisher and ensure intactness of sealing disc.
5.6.4 Weigh the carbon dioxide cartridge and compare its weight with that stamped on its body.
5.6.5 If the weight loss of 10% or more is observed, replace it with a fully charged cartridge.
5.6.6 Check the extinguisher knob for its proper functioning.
5.6.7 Remove the inner shell and clean port holes of cap.
5.6.8 Check that the port holes in the cartridge holder are clean.
5.6.9 Check the powder inside the extinguisher is dry and free from moisture.
5.6.10 Change the powder, if moisture is observed.
5.6.11 Before re-charging the powder, ensure that the extinguisher is dry.
5.6.12 Check the condition of the discharge hose. If cuts or scratches are seen, replace the discharge hose immediately.
5.6.13 On successful completion of the maintenance, fix the maintenance label on extinguisher.
5.6.14 Pressure test of DCP fire extinguisher The hydraulic test of DCP portable fire extinguisher shall be tested at 17.5 Kg/cm2 for 2.5 minutes at least once in three years by EHS department through external agency. During pressure testing, if extinguisher including accessories not sustains the pressure at 17.5 Kg/cm2 for 2.5 minutes, discard the extinguisher immediately. On successful completion of the above checks maintain the test certificate of each DCP portable fire extinguisher in EHS department.
5.7.1 Hold the extinguisher vertically on the floor.
5.7.2 Open the outer cap of extinguisher by rotating anticlockwise.
5.7.3 Take out the CO2 cartridge from extinguisher and ensure intactness of sealing disc.
5.7.4 Make up the foam liquid level in extinguisher up to the mark, if it is reduced.
5.7.5 Weigh the carbon dioxide cartridge and compare its weight with that stamped on its body.
5.7.6 If the weight loss of 10% or more is observed, replace it with a fully charged cartridge.
5.7.7 Check the extinguisher knob for its proper functioning.
5.7.8 Remove the inner shell and clean port holes.
5.7.9 Check that the port holes in the cartridge holder are clean.
5.7.10 Check the condition of the discharge hose. If cuts or scratches are seen, replace the discharge hose immediately.
5.7.11 On successful completion of the maintenance, fix the maintenance label on extinguisher.
5.7.12 Pressure test of mechanical foam portable fire extinguisher. The hydraulic test of mechanical foam portable fire extinguisher shall be tested at 17.5 Kg/cm2 for 2.5 minutes at least once in two years by EHS department through external agency. During pressure testing, if extinguisher including accessories not sustains the pressure at 17.5 Kg/cm2 for 2.5 minutes, discard the extinguisher immediately. On successful completion of the above checks maintain the test certificate of each mechanical foam portable fire extinguisher in EHS department.
6.1 SOP : Standard Operating Procedure
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