Cardiovascular System : Pharmaguideline

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Cardiovascular System

Heart, blood vessels, and the circulatory system make up the cardiovascular system.
Heart, blood vessels, and the circulatory system make up the cardiovascular system. A malfunction or injury to any part of the cardiovascular system can have serious health consequences. In addition to heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke, there are several cardiovascular conditions that affect the cardiovascular system.


Your heart's left side pushes the blood that has just received oxygen from the lungs to reach your body's cells so they can be nourished and oxygenated. During the right side of your heartbeat, blood without oxygen continues the cycle.

In the right side of your heart, unoxygenated blood goes to your lungs to receive oxygen and to excrete carbon dioxide. Through your left heart, oxygenated blood is returned to your body.

Various parts of the body receive blood through the cardiovascular system. Organs and tissues included in the system include:

Components of the cardiovascular system

The heart - With the help of this muscular pump, the heart pumps blood all over the body.

Blood vessels

Arteries - An artery carries blood away from your heart.

A vein is a vessel that returns blood from the heart to the body.

Capillaries - All tissues in the body receive blood from capillaries, which branch off from arteries

In the body, blood circulates through two systems. A systemic circulatory system is the firstThroughout the body, blood circulates through several systems to transport blood to organs, tissues, and cells.

Secondly, there is the respiratory circulatory system. Its main function is to circulate blood between the heart and lungs. Carbon dioxide and oxygen are exchanged here.


Structure of Heart

There are two ventricles below each atria of the heart. A septum separates the atria from the ventricles in the heart. Ventricles and atria of the heart are connected by valves.

Throughout the heart, the blood flows as follows:
  • Oxygen-depleted blood leaves the body via the lesser vena cava and greater vena cava veins (lower right chamber) and enters the right atrium.
  • During heart beats, blood passes through the tricuspid valve in the right lower chamber.
  • By pumping blood out of the right ventricle, the pulmonary valve and main pulmonary artery remove blood from the body.
  • After that, blood is transported into the lungs by the left and right pulmonary arteries. Oxygen is drawn into the blood from the lungs and carbon dioxide is removed. This results in richly oxygenated blood.
  • The left atrium (left atrium) is supplied with blood by four pulmonary veins in the upper left chamber of the heart.
  • The left ventricle is responsible for transferring blood into the left mitral valve.
  • During cardiac contractions, blood flows through the aortic valve into the large artery known as the "aorta." In the entire body, blood flows through the aorta.

Maintaining a Healthy Heart is Important

From the heart, blood is delivered to all tissues of the body through closed vessels. The blood then allows the organism to receive oxygen and nutrients. Blood is necessary for the proper functioning of a cell or tissue, and without it, a cell or tissue will eventually fail to function fully.

Cardiac Cycle

Two phases make up the cardiac cycle.

As the heart fills with blood during the diastole phase, the blood leaves the ventricles. Closed aortic or pulmonary valves begin this process and close closed mitral and tricuspid valves end it. As the heart prepares to contract again, blood is returned from the blood vessels to the heart during diastole. Systole, produced by contraction of the ventricles, occurs second. Mitral or tricuspid valves close first, and aortic or pulmonary valves close afterwards. The adjacent blood vessels exert greater pressure than the ventricles themselves, causing blood to flow out of the ventricles.
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