To lay down the procedure for cleaning and disinfection.2.0 SCOPE
This SOP shall be applicable to Quality Control Dept.3.0 RESPONSIBILITY
Head Quality Control Department4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY
Sr. Manager Quality Assurance5.0 PROCEDURE
5.1 Quality Control Department requires regular and frequent cleaning and disinfection. These two operations are performed in order to:5.1.1 Create and maintain a tidy and safe working environment.
5.1.2 Remove dust and dirt, which can be a hazard to the quality of the product under analysis and to the analyst.
5.1.3 Minimize the risks of cross contamination occurring between different products analyzed in the same area, and/or with the same equipment.
5.1.4 Reduce levels of contaminating microorganisms.
Water alone is not sufficient for cleaning and disinfection. Specific aids such as cleaning agents and disinfectants are necessary for this purpose. The following guidelines cover the selection and use of such substances.
5.2 Precautions
5.2.1 As a rule, cleaning agents and disinfectants should not be mixed, as certain mixtures are known to be chemically reactive and dangerous.5.2.2 A cleaning agent and disinfectant should not be substituted by another before ensuring that the alternative is as effective and safe for use as the original one.
5.3 Cleaning Agents
5.3.1 As far as possible liquid cleaning agents should be used; particulate contamination may be caused by cleaning preparations in powder form.5.3.2 Usually Liquid Soap and Vim Powder are to be used as cleaning agent.
5.4 Disinfectants
5.4.1 The alternate use of two or more disinfectants at regular intervals is recommended to obviate the proliferation of resistant strains of microorganisms. The alternatives should be of different chemical types and preferably with a different spectrum of antimicrobial activity from the ones in use.5.4.2 3 % Dettol to be used as a disinfectant.
Related: Validation of Efficacy of Disinfectants
5.5 Use of Cleaning Agents and Disinfectants
5.5.1 Disinfectants are usually available as concentrated solutions. Dilutions should always be made correctly and documented suitably. Further dilutions should not be made during use.5.5.2 Dilutions are normally made with freshly collected water of potable quality.
5.5.3 Used solutions of cleaning agents and disinfectants must be discarded and the empty containers must be washed at the end of the day.
Related: SOP for Checking Effectiveness of Disinfection / Cleaning Procedure
6.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
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